Photo Licensing Agreement Template
A Photo Licensing Agreement is a contract signed by a photo owner (usually, a photographer) and an individual or company which wishes to license the use of the image(s). This document lets the original owner retain the copyright of their photo(s) - the licensee only gains the right to use the image(s). Photos, designs, and images can be used for the customers' own personal and sometimes even commercial use. The images may be printed and framed for commercial sale, on book covers, and in magazines or online venues.
If you need a free Photo Licensing Agreement, you may download one below or create a more personalized document with the help of our online form builder. A standard Photo Licensing Agreement will allow the owner of the photos to set a price on the photos and agree on the different ways the images will be used.
How to Create a Photo Licensing Agreement?
Discuss the agreement prior to the sale of the licensing rights. If you clearly define the ways in which the photos can be used, this will build a mutually beneficial professional relationship. To protect the interests of the photographer and the client, provide the following details in the Photo Licensing Contract:
- Name the parties - the owner of the photos and the client. Add their addresses and telephone numbers.
- List and describe the licensed photos. As an addition to the agreement, you can include a copy of the images.
- Specify the type of license - exclusive or non-exclusive. An exclusive license gives the customer the exclusive right to the use of the intellectual property, while a non-exclusive license lets the photographer grant licenses to other parties - many parties can hold licenses to the same images at the same time. If the license is exclusive, the price for the licensing may be set far higher.
- State the duration of the license - it may be perpetual until the parties cancel the agreement or it will last for a limited period of time. If the agreement establishes the time frame, the licensee will not be able to use the images without renewing the license.
- Describe how the client can use the intellectual property - for instance, print them in their magazine or use them when designing a website. The customer may use licensed images worldwide or only in specific regions. If the images will not be used for any kind of profit-generating purpose, the licensee obtains non-commercial rights.
- Record the restrictions and limitations on use. The client may have to include a photo credit on the images. Typically, the owner does not allow the use of the photos in trademarks, logos, and other marks, or in any goods where the images are the primary value. The owner may forbid the alteration of the photos and their sublicense without the prior written permission.
- Negotiate fees and payments. You may add royalties per image sold to make sure you are fairly compensated for your work. Discuss late fees and interest.
- Enter the effective date of the agreement and sign the papers. Each party retains a copy. You do not have to notarize your agreement; however, it is recommended if the licensed photos cost a lot.
Haven't found the form you are looking for? Take a look at these related templates:
- Photography Contract;
- Wedding Photography Contract;
- Event Photography Contract;
- Photo Release Form.
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