
Congratulations! You are taking the first concrete steps toward pursuing a Ph.D. in Sociology at UC Davis. This page outlines the academic requirements and materials you'll need in order to apply for admission to the Department of Sociology graduate program.

Admission Deadlines

New students are accepted for the fall quarter only.

Application and General Admission FAQs are available on the Graduate Studies website. Have questions about GRE scores and more? See Sociology Admission FAQs.
Application Requirements

What should your Statement of Purpose accomplish?

The statement of purpose is your opportunity to tell us, the admissions committee, about your intellectual biography and interests. After reading your essay, we should have a clear picture of the following: undergraduate and previous graduate career experiences; work experiences; and academic interests.

Be succinct. You only have 4,000 characters for this statement.

What should your Personal History Statement Accomplish?

The Personal History Statement represents your opportunity to tell us, the admissions committee, how you arrived at this particular moment in your life. After reading your essay, we should have a clear picture of the following:

1) Your intellectual motivation. What motivates you as a scholar, and as a person? What are you curious about? How did these motivations and intellectual curiosities arise in your life? Why will other people in sociology and beyond find these questions insightful and relevant? Why do you want to pursue a Ph. D in sociology at UC Davis? Why do you think you are likely to succeed?

2) The obstacles you have overcome in order to get here. Everyone faces challenges and difficulties in their pursuit of knowledge and education. Tell us about challenges and how you overcame or succumbed to them; some failures can be more impressive than successes!

Contact Educational Testing Service for information about test center locations and exam schedules.

Additional Resources:

For consideration of admission to graduate study and financial assistance, all application materials must be received by the dates indicated. Late applications will not be accepted.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Additional Questions?