Developing your organization’s next strategic plan with Appreciative Inquiry will provide executives, executive teams, and planning committees an overview of how Appreciative Inquiry works and answer key questions:
- How is Appreciative Inquiry different from other planning processes?
- What resources does planning with Appreciative Inquiry require?
- Who gets involved and how?
- How long does it take?
- What is an Appreciative Inquiry “Summit”? Is it necessary and how does my organization host one?
- How do I write a strategic plan using Appreciative Inquiry?
- How is Appreciative Inquiry different from other planning processes?
- Strengths-Based vs. Deficit-Based
- The Wholeness Principle
- Broad directions vs. Narrow objectives
- The role of data
- Elements of an Appreciative Inquiry Strategic Planning process
- Get Ready!
- Creating a Core Team
- Introducing Ai to your organization
- Pre-Summit Community Interviews
- The Appreciative Inquiry Summit
- Writing the Strategic Plan
- Implementing the Plan
- Building an Appreciative Culture
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